Some people get cottonmouth, otherwise called dry mouth, after smoking marijuana. This is due to how marijuana affects the way saliva is created. It can sometimes happen due to the cannabinoids too, which impact the secretion of saliva. Here, we’ll go over the exact reason for this, and what you can do to fix this.
Cottonmouth at the core
Cottonmouth is basically a condition where you start to feel like your mouth is super dry, literally feeling like you’ve got cotton balls within your mouth. It causes the saliva to reduce, and a dryness that can sometimes go down to the threat area, and it can make you sometimes wonder if you’ve got a sore throat.
This is a temporary condition, and usually is a part of the psychoactive results that come with cannabis. But if you do deal with dry mouth on the regular, tha’ts a problem.
Dry mouth constantly Causes:
Bad breath
Gum disease
Tooth decay
This may be totally unrelated to the sausage of cannabis, but if you’re constantly having weed, it can exacerbate the problems. It you deal with cottonmouth, or have chronic dental issues, it may be best to discuss this with a doctor.
The Reason for This
So what cause s dry mouth after you smoke marijuana?
This Is because of your good old ECS. This is basically the one that regulates a ton of these functions, including fertility, sleep, and the saliva that you create too.
The parasympathetic nervous system oftentimes gets messages in order to create saliva, but usually, the cannabinoids create an interception of them.
Cannabis also can cause effects with your lacrimal glands, which causes tears to form. The chemicals within cannabis actually attach to these receptors, which then cause the lacrimal glands to stop producing as many tears dry, red eyes are another common symptom of too much cannabis usage, and that’s due to the lacrimal glands not working the way that they should.
How to prevent this
The best way to prevent cottonmouth is to be mindful of the portions that you’re consuming. Larger dosages and larger parts of edibles do put you at risk for this.
Note as well that not all consumption of this is what causes cottonmouth, but this can vary based on the person’s tolerance and how they react to this. Remember that everyone’s ECS is totally diffenrt too.
But what can you do if you’re someone who deals with dry mouth on the regular, and needs to figure out a way to stop this?
The best way to do it, is to make sure to do the following:
Make sure you drink minimally 64 oz. of water daily
Chew gum as well when you’re consuming cannabis, as you can actually stimulate the saliva production
Try not to drink coffee because it’s a diuretic, which causes you to pee more and that naturally dehydrates your body
Avoid using alcohol with cannabis. This is because it’ll dehydrate your body, and too much of this does lead to various health issues and other great things that you may not want to deal with.
Suck lemons. Citrus is really good with the production of saliva. However, you should be mindful of this, because citrus is known for wearing away the enamel of the teeth, so be mindful of that.
Eat oranges or fruits that are hydration fruits when you smoke. Tomatoes, watermelon, peaches, and the like are good for you to snack on.
Consider adding lozenges to help stimulate the salivary glands that you have, and you can get them sugar-free!
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