Wednesday, October 3, 2018

CBD and Addiction

Cannabidiol or CBD is something that comes with a lot of research, and applications. Here, we’ll discuss how it can help with possibly combatting addiction. It’s a fascinating and powerful part of us, and it’s something that definitely is a big issue for plenty of people. But let’s look at it from a different perspective. How can CBD assist with this? Let’s find out. 

What addiction is 

It’s basically compulsive behavior and doing something even though you may not want to, but you’re not able to stop it. Spending money too much, doing something on instinct without realizing it, continuing behaviors not good for you, getting cravings from this, and even making excuses are all signs of it. Sometimes, it’s triggered because your brain’s reward mechanisms are releasing dopamine, so they will definitely trigger these points, making it easier for you to get addicted for the long-term. 

Can CBD Help though? 

Does it have any place in treating substance abuse disorders, where you have to compulsively have a substance, much to the problems that come with it? Well, so far all the studies are in their early stages, so it’s too early to discuss what CBD may play in the realm of addiction. But the research is becoming stronger than ever, and it does have a variety of applications, including interactions to the way the addictive system works. 

The role of this is definitely complex, and it does offer a lot of different systems, including dopamine, dopaminergic systems, and even the serotonin that works with addiction. It can possibly impact these, interacting with your receptors in order to create more beneficial effects. Some of the different disorders that are there, which you can combat through the use of CBD, include the following: 

  • Cocaine 

  • Tobacco 

  • Alcohol 

  • Meth

  • Heroin or opiates 

  • Cannabis or THC 

This is something that definitely plays a huge part in your dopaminergic system, and it can help with creating neurogenesis along with neuroprotection, helping your brain fight off those addictive properties. There is serotonin as well, which is something that’s a bi neurotransmitter and is responsible for sociability and happiness and is playing a major role in addiction as well. 

It’s something that animals deal with, where they don’t get enough serotonin, and it can cause addictive behaviors to form, and that reversing this may make those who are more susceptible to addiction less as a result of this. 

Some studies have found that the serotonin reuptake and the inhibiting of this is a big part of combatting addiction, since it can reduce both anxiety and stress, two major triggers that play a role in addiction, so it’s something that’s not only serotonergic, but it also may help with the way the neurotransmitters work. It also will modulate your dopamine response. It may play a role in the CB1 and CB2 receptors, along with the TRPV1 receptors, which are all constantly being looked at in a relationship to CBD. 

Currently the findings aren’t totally there, but it’s something that could be used to modulate, and play a good role in managing, along with overcoming various addictions. Is it safe though? In general, it’s pretty safe, to the point where even the FDA has drugs with it that are approved for treatment of conditions, which in turn involve CBD. We don’t know if there are super long-term effects, but so far, the results are promising, safe, and looking better than ever. CBD may play a role in the future of a person’s health and wellness, and right now, we have to wait and see the bigger picture.